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Kelli Berryhill

Biology, Biology Honors

I am a Michigander and am quite proud of my "mitten state" roots.  I completed my undergrad at the University of Michigan and earned a degree in Cellular Molecular Biology.  I followed that up with a Master’s in Horticulture from Michigan State University.  I am both a wolverine and a spartan, better known as a “wolverartan”.  I am officially a teacher and a wannabe farmer.  I taught three years of biology in Michigan, and then moved to California where I was hired to work at a lovely school, Lincoln High.  This is my tenth year at Lincoln and it feels like home.  I am incredibly excited to be part of a pod this year for two reasons:

1. Margarita rocks!

2. See #1.  Also, I think the students will love the camaraderie that develops between them...their second family (or as Margarita would say, familia).

Margarita Harden

Native Speaker Spansih, 5-6

I was born and raised in Costa Rica.  I went to only to one school all of my life, Lincoln Elementary and High School!  :)  In School I was in sports such as volleyball, dance, soccer, and was part of the cheerleaders.  Then I went to UCR  (University of Costa Rica) where I received my degree in Education.  I worked several years in private schools in Costa Rica, and then in 1986 I moved to Italy to work in the Costa Rican Embassy, and later worked for United Nations in Rome. I stayed for 15 years! Learned a lot during that stage of my life, it was hard to let go. Eventually, I had to move back to Costa Rica where I taught again for only 3 years. I love traveling and adventure so I decided to move to California to work in bilingual classes, and that's how I got in 2001 to SJUSD.   

This year I moved to high school to be able to do projects where students apply their learning to real life situations, instead of loads of grammar and reading. This is my first year and I am just starting to explore what students can produce.  Kids in this school are amazing. 

Google Classroom Codes:

Berryhill Period 3: 83fx5i
Berryhill Period 4: 2h2r63d 
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